Grimardi S. L.

Main products: Menswear: Shirts; t-shirts; trousers; knitwear; suits; jackets; blazers; coats

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Grimardi S. L. Appeared in the fashion industry in 1991, in Barcelona, modern city with worldwide recognized creativity. Classic and elegant lines mark its initial collections, where quality of confection and fabrics, constant in the company, is strictly cared. Mct adapts to new trends oriented to man who reflects his personality through garments, which identify him with his way of thinking. A man with innovative dressing of differentiated lines. Clients for grimardi are very important, they motivate it to develop and adapt day by day to the new urban life styles.

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company
Company NameGrimardi S. L.
Factory LocationMiquel Servet 21, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain Lishui,Zhejiang
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Eastern Europe
Main ProductsMenswear: Shirts; t-shirts; trousers; knitwear; suits; jackets; blazers; coats
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
We ProvideMenswear: Shirts; t-shirts; trousers; knitwear; suits; jackets; blazers; coats
Year Established1991

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